On Jan. 23, 1943, my uncle, Frank Ebner Gartz, (photo in uniform, above) reported to the draft board in Chicago to start his training for WWII. So began the correspondence between him and family & friends, comprising almost 300 letters going both ways. I’m posting many of these World War II letters, each on or near the 70th anniversary of its writing. To start with his induction, click HERE.

This blog began in Nov., 2010, when I posted a century-old love note from Josef Gärtz, my paternal grandfather, to Lisi (Elisabetha) Ebner, my paternal grandmother, and follows their bold decision to strike out for America.

My mom and dad were writers too, recording their lives in diaries and letters from the 1920s-the 1990s. Historical, sweet, joyful, and sad, all that life promises-- and takes away--are recorded here as it happened. It's an ongoing saga of the 20th century. To start at the very beginning, please click HERE.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

New Website for Family Archaeologist

Hello Everyone,

Family Archaeologist has migrated to my new website, LindaGartz.com. There you'll find all past and future posts. 

I want to thank all my faithful followers for your interest and for the wonderful comments you've made since the blog's  beginning on November 17, 2010. 

Since then more than 92,000 readers have visited Family Archaeologist. I'm so grateful to each and every one!

I do hope you'll drop by my brighter website, with its fresh new look, and leave a comment to say hello. 

You can also check out the start of a second blog, "Letters of a World War II Airman," clickable on the navbar at any page at LindaGartz.com

I post a transcription and the original of the missives to and from my uncle, Frank Ebner Gartz, on or near the 70th anniversary of the writing of each. The blog begins with Frank's induction date into the Army Air Corps on January 23, 1943. The letters give a first-hand look at an eighteen-year-old kid transforming into a seasoned airman. Letters from the home front show how friends and family rally to support the young soldier and expose a mother's worried heart. 

At the end of April, 2013, I was invited to join a compendium of more than 100 Chicago bloggers at ChicagoNow. Go to this link: Letters of a World War II Airman on Chicago Now, to find the latest  and all future letters.

More changes to come in the future.  Thanks again for all your support.


1 comment:

Linda Gartz said...

Hi Jacqi,
All past posts will remain here AND are also on the new site, so you can read them either place. This site will remain "live" at the same URL www.familyarchaeologist.com. The New Family Archaeologist is at the link in this post -- and includes all past posts and comments. However, I couldn't bring my "followers" with me, so I'm going to try to contact all with a message to let them know the new URL. Thanks, as always, for your interest and follow!